Wonder why? Well, June 25's my mama's birthday and the day that Janine treated me, Mon and Kaye to Mooon Cafe. I wasn't expecting the latter to happen primarily because I wasn't even thinking about it and also because I wasn't informed. That day, class was as usual, routinary and boring as ever. Uggh! How I hate demanding and crappy clinical instructors! Anyways, after class we wanted to while the time away since it was still so early for dinner(haha!) and decided to watch Marmaduke, ang irong nalunod. Haha! We had no choice due to time constraints and because the movie had the most convenient showing time for us. So the movie's another story. zzz.. Then the end credits rolled and our tummies growled. We ate and grabe pagkadaghan sa taw oi! Naa pa gyuy waitress nga pabongol2 o bongol ba gyud kha to siya?? Ambot niya. Then pa.picture da.un mi afterwards and finally separated ways. It was raining hard outside. Good thing I brought with me my umbrella! Basta, I had so much fun with them! It's been a long time na jd. Belated 18th, Janine!

Oh and I hadn't forgotten about my mama's birthday, mind you. Hehe! At home, we celebrated her 51st birthday and we were all smiles when we greeted her a Happy Birthday! It was great seeing her happy and just happy that day. Happy Birthday Mama! I wish you all the best and all the happiness in the world! Lots o' Love, eBii.

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