
Hi. I'm here and I'm bloggin'. Well recently, I found this site containing a post which has a lot of ridiculous quotations and found some no-good, offensive blah blahs from the past. The "author" just made a serious gaffe. I personally know the "author" but I can't withstand being close to her or just even talking to her. Whenever I see her anywhere, she always seems to have that dark aura that depresses everything around you. Like that?! IMO, she's so full of herself, so conceited that she forgets about others and silently making an enemy but I'm not one of them, mind you. You know who you are. Grow up, girl. Yeah, life's a mess and full of s*** but don't make it any worse... Sigh. I can't believe this is my first post on my blog. Sigh, again. I don't really share bad experiences but this one's gotta go for a friend and for others who agree with me. Peace, folks! :D

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