
Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

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It's Dixie Day!

June 29 is Dixie Day! Her Birthday. :)) She's already 6 and a dancer! She loves pink and Disney princesses especially Snow White. She's funny. LOL! Today, lots of people came for dinner and spent some quality time with family and friends mainly chit-chatting, drinking, camwhoring and "karaokeing". Not to mention eating and burping. Haha! Happy Birthday, Dixie! We love you!

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"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars."

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The Lighthouse by the Sea

This is a result of my fascination with the "new" Google. Cool but somehow slow. :D

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I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddling kids!

I'm up late. I can't sleep somehow so I decided downloading some Scooby Doo movies. I missed this dog and the show and the old cartoon network.

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Wonder why? Well, June 25's my mama's birthday and the day that Janine treated me, Mon and Kaye to Mooon Cafe. I wasn't expecting the latter to happen primarily because I wasn't even thinking about it and also because I wasn't informed. That day, class was as usual, routinary and boring as ever. Uggh! How I hate demanding and crappy clinical instructors! Anyways, after class we wanted to while the time away since it was still so early for dinner(haha!) and decided to watch Marmaduke, ang irong nalunod. Haha! We had no choice due to time constraints and because the movie had the most convenient showing time for us. So the movie's another story. zzz.. Then the end credits rolled and our tummies growled. We ate and grabe pagkadaghan sa taw oi! Naa pa gyuy waitress nga pabongol2 o bongol ba gyud kha to siya?? Ambot niya. Then pa.picture da.un mi afterwards and finally separated ways. It was raining hard outside. Good thing I brought with me my umbrella! Basta, I had so much fun with them! It's been a long time na jd. Belated 18th, Janine!

Oh and I hadn't forgotten about my mama's birthday, mind you. Hehe! At home, we celebrated her 51st birthday and we were all smiles when we greeted her a Happy Birthday! It was great seeing her happy and just happy that day. Happy Birthday Mama! I wish you all the best and all the happiness in the world! Lots o' Love, eBii.

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When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! :))

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I ♥ Sunday!

It's a Sunday Morning and the weather's kinda fine but I still hope it rains because it seems I can't stand the blazing heat whenever the clock strikes 12 noon here in RP. I somehow prefer freezing than melting, you know. To the extremes? Haha! I miss the rain especially on hot afternoons when crowded streets go empty and quiet. It reminds me of the past when everything was simple and easy for a child. Rain's nostalgic for me. Sceneries, moments, laughter and pure fun.

Anyways, we're planning things for Dixie's upcoming birthday. Hope it'll turn out fine. What's important is that she gets to blow her candles and be happy. :)) She'll be turning 6 this year. Oh look at how fast time flies!

Well, it's a Sunday and it's relaxation and family day. Time to unwind and free ourselves from the hassle and stress school can give. Have a peaceful and blessed Sunday!!!

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Hi. I'm here and I'm bloggin'. Well recently, I found this site containing a post which has a lot of ridiculous quotations and found some no-good, offensive blah blahs from the past. The "author" just made a serious gaffe. I personally know the "author" but I can't withstand being close to her or just even talking to her. Whenever I see her anywhere, she always seems to have that dark aura that depresses everything around you. Like that?! IMO, she's so full of herself, so conceited that she forgets about others and silently making an enemy but I'm not one of them, mind you. You know who you are. Grow up, girl. Yeah, life's a mess and full of s*** but don't make it any worse... Sigh. I can't believe this is my first post on my blog. Sigh, again. I don't really share bad experiences but this one's gotta go for a friend and for others who agree with me. Peace, folks! :D

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