Can't wait for Sky Sailing Album! Me likey "Brielle". :D

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Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost

Just watched Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost today! It's been a while since I last saw the gang and their van. The movie was so enjoyable and the ghost was true this time unlike some of their shows wherein the villain's human. It's really funny and scary with a good twist and nice plot. Learned something from it too. After how many years, I got to see them again! Yey! Two thumbs up!

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My Window

My window stays open
so I can feel the stars
and I wonder if you wonder
about the pain and scars.

My window stays open
so I can watch the moon
swing over the trees
and flowers that won't bloom.

My window is an exit
an escape from my dreams
and I wonder.. do you wonder
about life's better things?
My window, little box
that wind is blowing through.
Birds pass by
and I wish that I could fly too.

My window tells a story,
and I'm eager to lend my ears.
Listen to the world
that I've ignored for years.

My window stays open
and I watch the stars glow,
and I wonder, oh I wonder,
if you're watching the same show.

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"Don't follow your dreams; chase them!"
Richard Dumb

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